Health and Herbs


Photo: Deadly Nightshade flowers and berries. Thank you Shuttersparks!


For a long time I’ve been interested in herbs and incorporate them into my daily life. They are nature’s medicine and therefore the best!

Caution though, there still stands the myth that you cannot be harmed because herbs are natural – whereas, in reality, if you overdose on many things (including herbs) it’s detrimental to your health or even fatal; and there are poisonous herbs such as the infamous Atropa belladonna, the Deadly Nightshade which shouldn’t be ingested. Herbs such as Arnica montana, Arnica, safely taken externally, rubbed into the skin for painful conditions such as arthritis, are otherwise toxic to the heart if taken internally. Respect is paramount when dealing with herbs. If you are taking prescription drugs they may also interact badly with the herbs you’re taking (or thinking of taking) – always mention which herbs you’re taking to your doctor who can properly advise.

Did you know that the humble aspirin originates from the Silver Birch? By using its methyl salicyclate, which is the oil extracted from the bark.

Aside from their medicinal properties herbs are beautiful, don’t you think? When the chives on my patio first display their ball-like purple blooms I know spring is round the corner. 😉

Important! – I am a layperson with an interest in herbs, always consult your doctor regarding using herbs.

Below I will slowly add beneficial herbs according to health complaints. I hope you will find my research helpful. 🙂




Medicinal properties of the Silver Birch


The Herbal Drugstore (my herb bible) Amazon / UK ; …Amazon / USA

Dandelion seeds graphic – thanks Pixabay!


For Xeno 🙂 – HEART HEALTH oscar_story_oscar_heart

Vitamins –

L-Carnitine (reduces cholesterol, prevents plaque formation); Coenzyme Q10 (antioxidant aids cells make energy, improves cholesterol levels); Inositol hexaniacinate; (harmless to the liver and doesn’t cause flushing as is the case with Niacin; this vitamin B lowers cholesterol); Vitamin E, tocotrienol (lowers cholesterol, inhibits cholesterol production); Vitamin B6 (deficiency may cause major heart disease); Magnesium (lowers plaque formation and cholesterol, whilst raising good HDL cholesterol – deficiency of this also linked to heart disease); Bromelain (found in pineapple!, from the proteolytic enzymes. An anti-inflammatory, lowers and breaks down plaque formation. Brilliant for easing Angina! A wonder drug for heart problems).

Aspirin decreases risk of heart attacks by its action of preventing the platelets from sticking together. Side effects: heartburn, stomach upsets, vomiting.

Herbs –

Garlic, Allium sativa, the wonder drug as it helps many ailments! It prevents platelet sticking; lowers cholesterol and triglycerides (a blood fat) and blood pressure; increases good cholesterol, HDL; aids the breakdown of certain blood clots. The following health benefits also apply to onions! Eat at least one garlic clove or small onion a day if you aren’t taking them in capsule form. Possible side effects: stomach upsets (adding parsley can counteract this).

Ginkgo, Ginkgo biloba. An antioxidant, increases blood flow to the extremities thereby enhancing heart efficency, and acts as a tonic to blood vessels; prevents platelet sticking; may be particularly helpful with atherosclerosis, for reducing the plaques in the arteries. Possible side effects: headaches, stomach upsets, dizziness.

Ginger, Zingiber officinale, another wonder drug as it lowers cholesterol, and prevents platelet accumulation, which aids in expelling bile to remove excess cholesterol. Other benefits include – pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (coughing up mucus), easing nausea, and warms the body. I take 1000mg a day for my severe chronic pain, for the inflammation. Possible side effects: stomach upset.

Alfalfa, Medicago sativa. Decreases cholesterol and plaques.

Bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus. Known for its excellent aid of eye diseases – and also has ‘significant potential benefits for cardiovascular disease’ [Ref: The Herbal Drugstore]. Because its abundant in anthocyanosides, it prevents the narrowing of the interior blood vessels – by preventing the damage that precedes that. It prevents atherosclerosis, ‘protects the heart during exertion, decreases inflammation and strengthens artery walls’ [ref: The Herbal Drugstore]. Certainly a wonder drug for those with heart problems!

Blueberries. As they have similar chemical compounds to bilberries may have similar health benefits.

Yarrow, Alchillea millefolium. Increases blood supply by dilating the coronary arteries. Improves the heart’s metabolic processes (the oxygenation and energy production); relieves pain by decreasing lactic acid; is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and reduces cholesterol.

Motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca. A traditional heart tonic. Anti platetlet sticking, lowers cholestrol, and strengthens the heart.

Siberian Ginseng, Eleutherococcus senticosus. Acts on the adrenal glands, managing stress and preventing disease. Good anti-stressor! Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.

Foods for heart health –

Walnuts (lowers bad cholesterol, anti-inflammatory)

Caution – Don’t just stop your ‘heart’ medications from the doctor. Having angina or a heart disease is very serious and stopping your prescribed medicine may result in death.



The Health Benefits of the humble Dandelion! 😉 oscar_story_retreat_sleep_1000

Did you know that dandelions can treat the following?

Acne, bladder infections, eczema, endometriosis, gallstones, hangovers, haemorrhoids, high blood pressure, liver disease, warts and is a general all-round health tonic – Daisy Elizabeth agrees! It is an antioxidant, high in vitamin A (the dandelion leaves).

It can be taken in salads (the raw leaves), as a herbal diuretic, in coffee (the root roasted), used in cooking, as tinctures, in teas, as capsules, tablets and extracts.

🌻 Dandelion Recipes 🌻

Caution – Avoid picking from areas that may have been subjected to pesticides and are near to roads due to vehicle pollution (this advice applies to all wild herbs). If you have gall stones see a qualified herbalist. Avoid if you have obstructed bile ducts. Contact dermatitis may result from the milky substance in the dandelion leaves.


Herbs for pain – please click here! 🐢 🌿 🌻



Photo: Turmeric latte by Nama in London

Turmeric latte or Golden Milk. Appears to be trending now!


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You’re welcome to share this page by linking to it. All words are my own and may not be re-produced in its entirety (it took a long time to research and write!); however, for strictly private use, you may wish to print it. 🙂

Always see your GP regarding your own health matters – and remember to mention any herbs you’re taking. I am a layperson, passionate about the health benefits of herbs.


Copyright 2016 the Little Lord Oscar Dandelion blog @ WordPress.

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21 Responses to Health and Herbs

  1. Pingback: Health and Herbs | Little Lord Oscar Dandelion Books

  2. painkills2 says:

    I don’t know about the doctors/GPs in your neck of the woods, but I can’t imagine asking one of my prior doctors about herbs. Usually, doctors only know what they learn in medical school, and that doesn’t include herbs (or hardly anything about the treatment of pain). In fact, some of the comments and articles I’ve read by and from doctors illustrate that they would rather take out their prescription pad than talk to a patient about herbs.

    And seriously, the internet can answer all of your questions. Paying a doctor to give you an opinion seems a little wasteful to me, unless you really, really trust your doctor and value her opinion. Does one have to go to medical school to have a valuable opinion? How much do you think I can charge for my opinions? 🙂

    I think I could use some dandelion cream for my eczema, but I’m sure it’s a lot more expensive than what I’m currently using — generic petroleum jelly.

    I really love garlic, but one clove a day? Can I swallow it whole? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • There’s a general warning to mention herb taking to your gp if you’re taking prescription drugs because of the interaction. For example, taking St Johns Wort with over the counter antidepressants is dangerous. This warning is mentioned in herb books and other places. 🙂 As to taking herbs for serious conditions it’s advisable to see a properly qualified herbalist. My mum sees one, he’s great. Sounds like you’ve been burnt by some bad doctors too. 😦

      The internet can answer some basic questions but you have to question the source – do they really know what they’re talking about? And as health problems are complex the individual needs properly tailored treatment.

      Dandelions are in abundance (here anyway 🙂 ) and free. There are free recipes for making your own tinctures, like you say, on the net. 😉

      Have you tried swallowing a whole garlic? Did you like it? Hehe 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • painkills2 says:

        The great thing about the internet is the amount of different sources it offers. You read everyone’s opinion, and then you form your own. Doctors have a one-sided view of things, and don’t take into account other opinions except from the medical industry. Like on cannabis, if we had waited for the medical industry to develop and sell these products, we’d still be waiting.

        No, I’ve never swallowed a whole clove of garlic. Why would I? But I’m guessing it’s just like swallowing tiny chunks of garlic… and like swallowing the chondroitin/glucosamine pills I took for awhile — they were freaking huge. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, peoples’ opinions differ, and some are biased. The medical industry is better in Germany due to the herbs research from the ’40s, a legacy of the Nazis! I know we used to offer herbal meds on our NHS (our medical system for all), but not in all areas (including mine which has high unemployment – no surprise there!).
        Medical cannabis should be offered to all who need it.
        Ha! I know, some of those CAM pills are enormous!

        Liked by 2 people

    • Taking any more photos this weekend? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Xeno says:

    I’ve heard of yarrow before, will definitely give it a try now! Thanks!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Photobombed | All Things Chronic

  5. Nancy J says:

    I am a health nut. This entry is packed with great information. Thanks Oscar!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. madebyfay says:

    Thank you for this interesting article. I have been interested in herbs for many years, though not always in a serious way. Recently, though, I have begun taking Turmeric because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties. I believe it is helping my Bell’s Palsy heal. Many good things in nature. Just need to make sure you research what you are planning on trying. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Tortsday (Tortoise Tuesday) #3 | Little Lord Oscar Dandelion Books

  8. I drink golden milk – I warm up a little honey and mix in some turmeric then add some warm milk, it is lovely to drink.

    I used to pick a lot of dandelion leaves when I was a child for our rabbits, I think I might start eating them myself!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What a wonderful Page on herbs and Health Faith.. A woman after my own heart 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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